This site is dedicated to giving you every marketing element you need to ensure a successful event with Comedian Mickey Bell.
The first thing you need to understand is the difference when promoting COMEDY versus other events. It's very important that you fully understand these differences so you don't miss out on a great opportunity for success.
When you are promoting a comedy event this opens up so many more opportunities when it comes to your markeing and event promotion. In the video below, Mickey is going to explain some of those differences and give you some insight as to how you should approach this event.
Below we have provided you with everything you will need in promoting your upcoming concert event with Comedian Mickey Bell.
First, you will find a pdf on "How To Promote A Night Of Laughs". Use this as a check list for covering all of your basis in getting the word out about your event.
Below the checklist, we have provided you with the contacts of each person and what they handle for Comedian Mickey Bell. You will also find every marketing element that is available to you with our permission for use.
How To Promote A Night Of Laughs
Interview Requests
Makenzie - Adkins Publicity

Social Media Graphics

Event Flyers

Hand Out Cards

Big Screen Announcements

Event Tickets

Door Hangers

Window Clings